Friday, January 7, 2011

Best Better Than Sex Cake

better than sex cake recipe with heath bar
better than sex cake recipe

You can say, "The way to man heart through his stomach", but what about women? A long tradition of presenting a woman with a box of chocolate as a token of good romantic. It is simply because women love chocolate, or has reason to this tradition go deeper? Curiosity led me to do some research on this subject, and here is what I found. First I want to know if it really was an aphrodisiac chocolate. Aphrodisiac stated "put you in the mood for love" and the name comes from the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite. It is possible that the aphrodisiac quality of our thinking and expectations. Firstly, there is a certain amount of pleasure from eating chocolate. In one case, the melting chocolate is slightly lower than body temperature so it melts in your mouth. This is in itself an exciting experience, but what about the substances in chocolate? And what are the roots of chocolate as an aphrodisiac in history? I found many useful information, but as might be expected, I found conflicting arguments on whether an aphrodisiac or not, so I decided to find my own conclusion, and I ask you to do the same .

better than sex cake recipe from scratch
original chocolate better than sex cake recipe

One report says that the Aztecs for all chocolate an aphrodisiac. For this reason, all foods made with chocolate forbidden for women. However, another report says that the Aztecs and Mayans were the first to recognize the effectiveness of food, celebrating the harvest with festivals of wild orgies. I think both could be true (and it might be), but it seems to me if they were to wild orgies, most women want to eat it. I do not know, it's just my opinion, but in both cases, the Aztecs apparently considered it an aphrodisiac.

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chocolate better than sex cake

There are people throughout history who also believed in stimulating properties of chocolate. In 1624 Johan Franciscus Rauch condemned, a professor in Vienna, chocolate as inflamer passions and urged monks not to drink, as it was to ban it in monasteries. It is said that Madame du Barry, courtesan and Mrs. Louis XV, always served his cup of chocolate lovers before they were let loose in his bedroom, and a great lover and alchemist Casanova, who drank to Cioccolata at Cafe Florian in Venice, the chocolate more stimulating than champagne and called it "the elixir of love". Montezuma supposedly drank a cup of chocolate before entering the harem.

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chocolate better than sex cake paula deen

Alright, I'm sure that people find in the history of chocolate as an aphrodisiac, but why? Chocolate is phenylethylamine, said the naturally occurring amino acids, which some considered to have aphrodisiac effects and even be able to "cure" hangovers. Phenylethylamine substance is released naturally by the body when you're in love. There are other stimulants present in chocolate dopamine and serotonin, which alleviate pain and encourage a good mood. Serotonin produces feelings of pleasure in a way similar to sunlight. Chocolate also theobromine, a chemical stimulant frequently confused with caffeine, but have very different effects on the human body. It is mild, lasting stimulant with mood improving effect. It is currently one of the reasons for the effects of mood uplifting chocolate. (Note In chocolate, theobromine in doses it is safe for people to consume in large quantities, but can be fatal to animals such as dogs and horses, as metabolize theobromine more slowly.) Wow, I like to redeem it! What more could one need mood uplifting, encouraging, enjoyable, not to mention, great tasting, experience? I must mention, however, some sources say there is no evidence of actual chocolate is an aphrodisiac effects. In my opinion, who cares? So what happens when he does not put you on the mood, it will not be very encouraging to get you there. Sorry, I seem to be yearning for some chocolate.

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