Monday, June 7, 2010

Ordered by Wada, My friend dari fotopages..hehhe lama dah ek Wada kita kawan... wada actually the first customer yg order whole cake fondant with cartoon character, last time she ordered Thomas and Friends. masa buat Thomas Wada thn lepas, menggigil jugak tp Wada was very supportive. This year wada ordered 1 more cake tp kali ni wada nak base nya buttercream and cuma fondant figurine. Email from wada to me :


Aku x kisah ko buat mcm mana pun. Tp nak kek bulat, mcm marble… kaler2 rainbow tu… ntah caner, kau pakar sure kau tahu… tak yah susah2 nak buat cam kek lapis…tp bila potong dia ada kaler2 cam ni…

Atas kek tu tempek icing je buat cam padang rumput.

Pas tu atas dia just letak geng2 the wheel on the bus.. buat yg simple2 je. Aku risau bas tu kang kena buat besar lak, kang tak de org nak makan sugar paste tu. Apa pendapat ko ek. Cacak/Tempek gambo je ke… kalau humpty dumpty ngan alat muzik tu ok la… tak pe la ila, mana2 yg ko rasa ok la..

so dia nyer atas tu:


Yang tu suka ati la nak buat caner pun, banner ke, tampal sugar paste ke, tulis ke…

Aku ambil cake ari ahad 6/6/2010 boleh x. dalam kul 11 pagi.ok…apa2 plez bgth aku ye.

And this is the final product... I am so happy when Wada smsed me this :

"akakkk sukaaa... eilmi pun suka. eidil jeles... dear, ko tak pernah kecewakan aku... mmg Allah tu amugerahkan kau kreatip n penyabar..thus, dapatlah kek yang amat hebatt ni...tqvm...i lop u...copy paste text ni lam blog ko tau... hhahahaha"

later she ym me this "guest aku semua puji kek ko cantik dan sedap... kek mabel yg moist mcm ni yang da lama aku tak makan."

Thanks wada, I do really really appreciate your support. and jangan la puji lebih2...heheh aku kan tak le terror mana... heheheh muahsssss

Thanks so much to dear share partner (my hubby) as well, coz i believe without him my cake wont be that interesting...

Note : btw, wada is not the first one yg bagi testimonial macam selalu nya ila tak letak di blog sbb rasa segan. tp this time ila letak atas permintaan wada sendiri.

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