This order coming from my favorite lecturer ms study kat UM dulu... masa mula2 dia tanya whether i can make hot wheels cupcake or not, half of my heart said "Yes I can do it, please order from me" (hehe ni sebab I really want to make something different from what i always did... but half of my heart said "Eh takut la, kang kalau tak jadi naya aje"...but after long thought then am agree...
Till the time nak deliver pun I was very very scared, afraid that Kak Shana and most importantly Hilman the birthday boy wont like it...
Alhamdulillah Kak Shana suka design nya... Kak Shana smsed me "Fantastic!! I'm sure Hilman will be smiling away when he sees the cake! Thank so much dear"
I really hope Hilman and everyone in the family would love the cake...
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