Sunday, May 4, 2008

Salam to all...

Baking cakes is always my passion... I found happiness in baking.... I always enjoy looking at my mum's creations such as butter cream birthday cake... she is really a great cook...never thought that I can cook and bake, maybe not as good as my mentor (my mum) , but am just proud of myself ... :)

i started baking since 2007, its rather coincidence I think... i''ve joined a A***W*** training and one of the goal during the training was, I want to learn baking will try sell my cakes... Alhamdulillah, it was just 2 years ago... then I start from the scratch, start from learning how to bake simple cake and muffin.... dengan tunjuk ajar mak, kawan kawan, baking classes and not other than Useful happily baking... To Sity who is the first person introduced me to Cup Cakes, thanks so much...

Friends like Mai, Kak mUffy, Kak shida, moon were amongst the first yang start order and always encourage me... and words from mouth to mouth yang sebenarnya banyak mempopular kan kek kek ku...hehehh (chewah ... perasan popular.... ) me tak byk jual sgt sebenarnya, not that I do not receive order or not that I do not want to receive order, but due to commitment to my work as baking only my part time + leisure time hobby, I was a bit selective when receive orders... Believe in only deliver nice and beautiful cakes, I hope I can always satisfy my customer... Insyallah...

Beautiful Cakes for Beautiful Moments...

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